We focus on community...
Community, not organisations, teams or health services, should be at the heart of mental health care and well-being support. We believe in improving healthcare funding routes, so resources reach those that can benefit from services in the community and not just cover referrals and high expense cases.
Children, young people and adults who need mental health and well-being support, whether through well-being workshops, family sessions, counselling and therapy can access it within the community, where it matters most and costs the least

Our aim is to make sure that resources are used to help people and not to pay for complicated systems and service costs or referral expenses. We want to see well-being support for all who need it, without the increasing complications of long waiting lists for mental healthcare, high referral costs and without affordability issues for those who cannot access help.
All our community well-being projects use a compassionate and mindful approach, to support people to develop strategies and skills for managing stress, anxiety, depression and mental health challenges at community level. You can read more about our project here Community Projects
Proceeds from our services, publications and training courses support our mindful community projects, helping people to work with the mind towards a better state of mental health and well-being. By donating to and using WWTM’s support and services, you are actively contributing to good causes and mindful community programmes that make a difference in building better mental health and well-being care into communities – THANK YOU!!