Welcome to
Working With The Mind!
WWTM is a social enterprise that runs community mental health and well-being projects. In addition, we fund other charity work. As a non-profit, we believe businesses should provide services that support people and society and help improve the world.

Our Vision
WWTM is a process of mindful learning, to help develop our own understanding and experience of the mind and practical exercises, skills and tools we can develop for managing mental health and well-being. By navigating our website you can learn more about the support and services available, more about our projects and the groups we have helped as well as ways you can get involved or get in touch with us to find out more.
Our vision is to make mental health and well-being support more available in the community, especially for individuals and groups that struggle to access help and services. We imagine a world where everyone can learn simple mindful tools to help deal with stress, anxiety and depression, and to manage emotional regulation and the challenges they face.

Community, not organisations, teams or health services, should be at the heart of mental health care and well-being support. We believe in improving healthcare funding routes, so resources reach those that can benefit from services in the community and not just cover referrals and high expense cases. Children, young people and adults who need mental health and well-being support, whether through well-being workshops, family sessions, counselling and therapy can access it within the community, where it matters most and costs the least.
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